Hey guys, do you want to review books in the Adult Genre? We are looking for more bloggers to jump on board,
This is an amazing opportunity if you are busy and dont have time to run your own blog, you will be a part of an amazing blogging team with Monique who runs The Book Mystress here to guide you if you need help and Jesyka, to help if Monique is busy.
The reason i personally am not posting over here a whole lot is because i read more YA then i do Adult, how ever I do read some adult novels, thats why my name is over here so my fan base doesnt get confused and really my time is almost all consumed up with TBM
Jesyka has recently moved and started studying and you know what that's like
if you are interested in becoming a part of an already awesome team email Monique @ thebookmystress@hotmail.com
If you want to use P2C as a guest post to promo your own blog, that is fine too, guest posts, Author spotlights, Author interviews, and giveaways are welcome here.
To become a blogger on Pages to Crave
you must
A) Know how to read
B) be able to post at least once a month (or more)
C) either have some blogging experiences or want to learn.
D) you do not have to only read Paranormal Romance.
There will be more things i will talk over with you when you email me.
if you become a part of this team, you will be included in the process of designing and promting the blog, usually the Design is left up to Jes I try to do the promoting but it gets tricky between the three twitter accounts i already have for other things.
dont be shy,
Posted By:Monique

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