Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Afterlight by Elle Jasper Review by JesykaJames

Review for Afterlight by Elle Jasper

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Pages: 363
Source: The Book Depository
Release Date: November 2nd 2010
Publisher: Signet
Series Y/N: Yes
No. in Series: Book 1

Found: I bought this book online, off of The Book Depository. It had a wicked cool cover, and is dedicated to Ben Burnley and Breaking Benjamin... any books dedicated to a band that awesome has to be read by me!!!

Synopsis: Savannah's most unconventional tattoo artist, Riley Poe, lives on the edge. Now she's put over the edge when her younger brother is taken by a sinister cult led by vampires. Her only ally is the hot-tempered vampire Eli Dupre, attracted to Riley's beauty and rare blood type. To save her brother from certain un-death, Riley faces dangers she's never dreamed of, ruthless bloodthirsty enemies, and an evil of endless hunger that wants to devour it all...

My Review: I'm torn... on the one hand, I did really love this book, and have already ordered the next in the series. The characters are all brilliantly developed and are so real!!! The writing has such a unique style, and I love the way that Savannah is described. Every smell and every cobble stone is described brilliantly. Sometimes I could swear I smelled the salt water myself. Even all of Riley's clothes are described so well, down to the material of the collar she wears. But, and I know a lot of people are gunna wanna smack me around the head for this, it had a lot of points where I was like 'Wait a minute... Twilight'

Look, I could be way off the mark here, and if I am I will apologize, but here are just a few of the similarities about the books.

1. Main female character has blood like is 'like a drug' to vampires or members of the Afterlight. And is once even referred to as 'like heroin' I believe.

2. The Dupre Family, Father Gilles, mother Elise, Sons Eligus, Seraphin and Jean-Luc and daughter Josephine.

3. All vampires can read minds.

4. One scene in the book is ridiculously similar to a scene in the Twilight movie.

Now look, I am not saying I didn't like the book, I really did. There is a really interesting plot line, I love Riley, she is so feisty and has a really interesting back story. Plus she is a tattooist, and has some wicked cool art herself, but look... I just see a lot of similarities, and it annoyed me a little, because I did like the book so much, but I found it hard to get past the similarities.

Anyway, I still say the series is a keeper!!! I loved almost every song that was mentioned in the book with only one exception, and I felt that it was a requirement to listen to a nice long play list of Breaking Benjamin songs while reading this book. Needless to say, it has been an awesome experience. Breaking Benjamin is by-far one of the best bands EVER!!!

I give it 3 Tiny Bats out of 5

I hope you all enjoy the review :) Let me know what you think.
Also, if anyone has any recommendations on what I should read or review let me know.


1 comment:

  1. Oops, sorry!!!

    One small correction, there is 336 pages, not 363. Sorry guys. :P


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